Tips That Will Get Your Teeth Looking Whiter

There are plenty of reasons to want a better smile. If you drink a lot of dark beverages or smoke tobacco, these substances can seriously discolor your teeth. This article will provide tons of ideas about how to help your teeth stay white and then decide which whitening method may be best.

This will not be as harmful on your teeth as other teeth whitening strips out there. You can use peroxide as a mouthwash, but avoid ingesting it. Do this once or twice a week.

Quite often, normal toothpaste has exactly the same effect as these products when used in an attempt to whiten your teeth. Ask your dentist to recommend a better brand that may be more effective.

When drinking stain-causing beverages like tea, coffee, soft drinks or dark wines, sip a little water too. These drinks can cause staining quickly, particularly if you consume them regularly. Drinking water simultaneously can help to wash the stains off of your teeth. After consuming these beverages, remember to brush your teeth as soon as possible.

Make sure to avoid coffee, wine and cigarettes. The chemicals in these products stick to and stain the teeth. If you must have coffee or cigarettes or wine then make sure after each smoke or drink that you go brush your teeth. Keep a disposable toothbrush in your wallet or purse to keep your teeth clean. The abrasive nature of the finger brush can help to clean your teeth.

Pack a toothbrush in your purse or lunchbox to use after a sugary meal or treat. Such foods are bad for the teeth, likely to cause stains, and, worst of all, sticky enough to hang around for a while. After treating yourself to the sweet, take a moment or two to brush your teeth. Toothpaste is not needed if you scrub your teeth and rinse them well.

The days of having to live with teeth that are yellow, stained, or discolored are gone. Get a nice smile with many of the teeth whitening items on the market which you can use at home. The whitening kits you can use at home are much less expensive than teeth whitening procedures, and they basically give you the same result.


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