You Can Definitely Quit Smoking With This Great Advice

Quitting smoking can be extremely difficult. There is no single cure which produces good results for everyone. You will probably have to spend some time researching methods that will work for you. You might be surprised by how effective some of the following tactics and tips are.

If you feel you have to smoke a cigarette, then try to put off your first one as long as possible. Force yourself to do something, whether it is go for a walk around the block or simply drinking an entire glass of water, before you are allowed to have a cigarette. By delaying your actions, you find that you really didn’t want that cigarette after all. You may decide not to smoke it at all.

Speak to your loved ones about your decision to quit smoking. Entrusting familiar people with this information can let them motivate you, along with helping you beat temptations. This might just be the extra push that you need to stay on track with your quitting plan.

When you have a smoking urge, try the delay tactic. By reminding yourself that you will revisit your feelings in ten minutes, and keeping yourself occupied while those minutes pass, you may find that your craving has vanished within that period of time. Otherwise, allow yourself another ten minute delay.

To maintain your willpower, despite intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms, look for healthy outlets for your stress. Try finding new interests, such as exercise, an interesting hobby, or even a massage. Try to schedule these activities during times you usually have severe cravings for a cigarette. When you’ve got downtime, distract yourself with friends, books and games, so you don’t think of smoking.

You may want to smoke an alternative brand of cigarettes when you are considering quitting the habit. Choose menthol or a brand you find unpalatable. Avoid smoking more of them than you normally would or inhaling them in different ways. You will be less likely to smoke if you don’t enjoy it as much.

Giving up cigarettes is not easy, and there’s no magic cure-all. Still, everyone has the potential to succeed. Utilizing the tips you’ve learned from this article will help you to successfully quit smoking. With persistence and will power, you will hopefully be able to finally quit!

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